Holsworthy Biogas
Return to projectsHolsworthy Biogas
Client: Farmatic
Main Contractor: J E Stacey
Approximate Construction Cost: £2.8 million
The Holsworthy Biogas plant generates electricity from animal manure and other organic waste. The waste is collected from nearby farms and composted to produce methane gas which is used to run generator engines. The waste heat from the engines is also to provide heating for local housing.
The facility comprises an access road onto the site via a weighbridge and concrete hardstandings. A main reception building houses an underground collection tank and maintenance facilities. Various ancillary buildings were constructed including a site office and visitor centre as well as messing facilities.
A series of underground tanks and surface tanks were constructed for pasteurisation, fermenting and composting of the product. The by-products of the process are organic compost and water which is recycled back into the composting process. A perimeter bund was constructed to protect a local watercourse from possible contamination in the event of a spillage.